Wysersdrift Primary Fun Day


Pupils from Wysersdrift Primary had a day to remember on
the 14th of December 2022. A fun morning was planned by
various role players. These included members of Ward 15,
representatives from Breede Valley Municipality, SAPS
Rawsonville, OK Foods Drostdy, Coca-Cola, Quenets & of
course the Rotary club of Worcester.

A very informative snake awareness session, was presented by
André du Preez. André is actively involved with snake rescues in the
Worcester/Breedevalley area. Follow his Facebook page for more information
and tips. Facebook

Just some of the “tips” were that snakes cannot hear,
so you can scream as loud as you want to when you want someone
to help.

Some of the brave guests and children were able to hold some of the

Members of the South African Police Service
Rawsonville also addressed the pupils, about water & general
safety during their school holidays. The children & staff were
then treated to some cooldrinks and hotdogs, before handing
out their reports and leaving for the holiday.